Am I settling?

I love advice columns & I love Ask Polly:

"For me, there's nothing more satisfying than trotting out some complicated, tangled, unwieldy thoughts and emotions and instead of just listening patiently, my husband throws ideas into the mix, offers his own insights, makes stupid jokes, and most of all welcomes the full brunt of what I'm bringing to the table. The difference between being with someone who's engaged and eager to dive into complicated conversations and someone who's not that into hashing things out? To me that's the difference between feeling relaxed and happy and satisfied and feeling like an impatient shrew around the clock. I've settled for less plenty of times, but looking back, I don't know what I was thinking. I was always the happiest with the complex thinkers, and I was always dissatisfied and depressed and lonely in the company of reductive thinkers who didn't really love complex, rambling conversations."

Heather Havrilesky

Lyndsey Reese