Women as Monster

"Often I'm writing in response to books I've read, fairy tales, ghost stories, other writers' short stories. A big part of writing "Most of My Friends Are Two-Thirds Water" was going to see Species II. There's something about really a pulpy story—Species II is not a good movie—but maybe there's something about the underlying metaphor, women as alien, women as monster, that is always going to make me want to write a story. "

– Kelly Link

I kept reading this interview and kept finding shit to love:

"Look, think about how gossip works. What are the best stories? When you're telling stories, you're telling stories about people who have made a really poor choice, who do or say the kind of thing we all know you shouldn't. In fiction, at least, there's a kind of cathartic, discomfiting joy—a pain/pleasure—in people behaving badly."

Lyndsey Reese